What Will I Learn?
Who is Teco?

Teco is a curious and intelligent bonobo residing at the Ape Initiative in Iowa. Born in 2010, he’s currently a teenager in the bonobo world.
Family Ties
- Mother: Elikya
- Father: Nyota
- Uncle (famous for language skills): Kanzi
A Bonobo Teenager
Teco’s days are likely filled with exploring his enclosure, playing with other bonobos, and engaging with his caregivers. While the specifics of his daily routine might be unknown, one thing is certain: Teco is an integral part of the bonobo community at the Ape Initiative.
Up Next: Teco’s Connection to Kanzi
In the next section, we’ll explore the fascinating bond between Teco and his iconic uncle Kanzi.
What is Teco’s Connection to Kanzi?

Teco isn’t just any bonobo; he’s the nephew of Kanzi, a bonobo renowned for his advanced understanding of language. Kanzi’s groundbreaking communication skills have challenged scientists’ understanding of primate intelligence.
Family Link
- Kanzi is Teco’s biological uncle. They share the same mother, Elikya’s sister, Matata.
Following in Uncle Kanzi’s Footsteps?
Researchers are curious to see if Teco exhibits similar language abilities as his uncle. Early signs are promising. Teco, like Kanzi, understands spoken English and can use a lexigram system to communicate. Lexigrams are symbols that represent words and concepts, allowing them to request things and express themselves.
Next Up: How Does Teco Communicate?
In the next section, we’ll delve deeper into Teco’s communication skills and explore how he uses lexigrams to make his needs known.
How Does Teco Communicate?

Teco, like his uncle Kanzi, possesses impressive communication abilities. Here’s a glimpse into Teco’s world of language:
Understanding Spoken English
Teco can comprehend spoken English, demonstrating an advanced cognitive skill for a bonobo. This understanding allows him to follow instructions and likely grasp conversations happening around him.
Lexigram System: A Tool for Expression
Teco utilizes a lexigram system to express himself. Lexigrams are symbols that represent specific words or concepts. By manipulating these lexigrams, Teco can communicate his needs and desires.
Making Requests and Sharing Thoughts
With the lexigram system, Teco can request things he wants, like his favorite food – grapes! He might also use lexigrams to express basic thoughts and ideas.
Next Up: Similarities and Differences Between Teco and Kanzi
In the following section, we’ll compare Teco and Kanzi’s communication skills, exploring both their shared abilities and unique strengths.
In what ways is Teco similar to Kanzi?
Teco and Kanzi share a remarkable bond – not just as uncle and nephew, but also in their impressive language abilities. Here’s how these two bonobos are pushing the boundaries of primate communication:
- Understanding Spoken English: Both Teco and Kanzi can comprehend spoken English to a significant degree. This allows them to follow instructions and likely grasp conversations happening around them.
- Lexigram Mastery: They both utilize the lexigram system, manipulating symbols to communicate their needs, desires, and even basic thoughts. Imagine a bonobo pressing a lexigram for “food” and then another for “grapes” – that’s the kind of communication these two are capable of!
- Early Signs of Promise: While Teco is still young, his initial forays into language use echo Kanzi’s early development. Researchers are enthusiastic about Teco’s potential to replicate or even surpass his uncle’s communication feats.
Next Up: How Teco Differs from Kanzi
The next section will explore the unique aspects of Teco’s development and how it might differ from the path Kanzi took.
In what ways does Teco differ from Kanzi?

Teco and Kanzi share a special connection through language, but there are also factors that set them apart:
- Age Difference: Kanzi, born in 1980, has had decades of experience with language compared to Teco, a teenager in the bonobo world. This extended time allows Kanzi to potentially have a deeper understanding and wider vocabulary.
- Developmental Stages: Teco is still developing his communication skills. Researchers are eager to see if he reaches the same level of language proficiency as Kanzi, or if his path takes a unique turn.
- Environmental Influences: While both bonobos reside at the Ape Initiative, there might be subtle variations in their environment or interactions with caregivers that could influence their language development.
The Future Holds Promise
Teco’s journey has just begun, and scientists are excited to see how his communication skills evolve. By studying Teco, researchers hope to gain a deeper understanding of how language learning progresses in bonobos, especially within a family lineage known for advanced communication.
Teco: Unveiling the Next Chapter in Ape Language Research

Teco, the bonobo nephew of the famed Kanzi, isn’t just another primate. His existence offers a unique opportunity to scientists studying animal communication:
- A Second-Generation Prodigy: Teco is the offspring of a bonobo lineage known for advanced language abilities. Studying his development sheds light on how language learning might be passed down within a family group.
- Nature vs. Nurture: Researchers can compare Teco’s environment and upbringing to Kanzi’s. This allows them to untangle the complex interplay between genetics and environmental factors in shaping language skills.
- Refining Communication Techniques: By studying Teco’s interactions with lexigrams, scientists can refine these tools to improve communication with other bonobos. This could lead to even greater breakthroughs in understanding the ape mind.
- The Future of Ape-Human Communication: Teco’s research potential extends beyond bonobos. By studying how he communicates, scientists might gain insights applicable to other primates, paving the way for improved communication between humans and our closest relatives.
Teco’s story is far from over. As he continues to develop, his contributions to the field of animal language research are only just beginning.